Hands on my eyes, I walked through the tunnel That fate willed should impose itself On the bandanna-laced lady. Pitch black was the tunnel but no embers Could the cloth that filmed my eyes give way to Even when the Sun smoldered in all fierceness. I was blinded but free. For options I had few, amounting to none, Walking straight ahead, unwavering, stolid, I'd put all my stakes on that one. And poured in it all trust and hope, That warmth which the friction of the greatest Ambitions, hopes, dreams, fancies, fantasies, Only could kindle in the absence of luxury, In confrontation with a waft of all the tribulations That life could hand out; but I was faced with none, Just with a gripping uncertainty that fettered all doubts, Because it heralded the most colossal trepidation.. I was blinded but free. Free from pangs of hesitation, tremors of fear, Blinded by the power of belief, Because I knew, that the tunnel was corked From the light by my apprehensions. So ...