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Showing posts from August, 2021

Where Numbers Matter

"A lot many things are much more than numbers. " Where numbers matter Is not where they are cardinal First, Second, Third.. such as, The first in class or the third from the end, Such numbers don't matter to me And shouldn't to you. Where numbers matter Is not when they count The number of A Grades one  Has secured- the number of hobbies One cultivates- here numbers don't matter Because very different things do. Where numbers matter Is not where they brandish The number of medals one wins In races, or the number of debates One has triumphed in, or the number of friends One has.  Where numbers matter Is where they show us How many times we've been pushed To the ground and launched Ourselves back on firm feet. The figures that do matter Are the number of times We have chosen to be kind; To assuage fiendish rage into  Patience. Patience in letting Negative emotions ebb.  The numbers that make real-world Sense, are those that signify  How many times you have chose...