Sforzando (in music, Italian): played with a prominent stress or accent- used as a direction in music
“I am not the languid
Played swiftly and in
ballet-like grace-
I am not the crisp,
aloof staccato-
The tangent cut
against the circle of a tune,
Sharp, patent,
chivvying the other notes
To be bolder- I am not
the stern tenuto-
Making appearances at
the end of musical phrases-
I am not the wistful tremolo-
nor the bristling trill-
Each blending into the
magic of the tune
With unparalleled
subtlety- innocuous, smooth,
Blending into every
fiber with poise…
I may be an outsider;
who would say that I belong-
An outsider, imposter,
traitor, and rebel- yes, I am
All of these things- I
arrive with a bang
Depart with a smash- I
hoodwink you
I play you… you may
call me vindictive,
Un-abiding and a
I don’t conform, I don’t
I exist, I am, I
shine, I disregard
The other entities
that precede,
And follow me- my
fellow musical notes-
I am confident, in and
of myself,
Yet, I am precise, perseverant
and augment
An otherwise slightly
plaintive piece…
I can be still,
provocative, joyous,
Trepid, torturous, at
I am strong- by
I can be who I am, and
add value
In my unique beauty- I
can leave
Audiences gaping,
adults stunned,
Children beaming and
I am, proudly, only,
and only,
The poet and music-lover's note: I understand that this poem has a lot of musical words (all of which are Italian words) in it. In this poem, I seek to use the allegory of the 'sforzando' in sheet music to represent the concept of 'standing out, rather than fitting in'. In a world that often seeks to churn out herds of people, I think we must all take note, that the driving force for all of us, are the qualities that set each of us apart- the unique story that every one of us has to tell.
Meanings of Musical Words:
legato: smooth and flowing in manner, without breaks between notes.
staccato: with each note sharply detached or separated from the others.
tenuto: (of a note or chord) held for its full time value or slightly more.
trill: a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
tremolo: a wavering effect in a musical tone, produced either by rapid reiteration of a note, by rapid repeated slight variation in the pitch of a note, or by sounding two notes of slightly different pitches to produce prominent overtones.
And finally...
sforzando: played with a prominent stress or accent- used as a direction in music
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